Raw Review: Six Nights Before WrestleMania 31

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The Miz, Damien Mizdow, Adam Rose and The Ascension vs. Ryback, Zack Ryder, Erick Rowan and The Prime Time Players

After Miz and Titus O’Neill started the match, there were a few tags, until Ryder got in the ring and, after a short stint of offense, was being worked on by Rose.

Rose was looking to tag out, but Mizdow tagged himself in, to the dismay of his partners. Miz ordered that Mizdow tag him into the match. He contemplated not doing it, but did in the end.

The match broke down when Ryder hit a facebuster on Miz, and got the hot tag to Ryback.

Miz actually gave himself a shot against Ryback, but a huge Meathook Clothesline and Shell Shocked put an end to that.

Ryback, Ryder, Rowan and The Prime Time Players defeat Miz, Mizdow, Rose and The Ascension via pinfall.

2.25 out of 5 stars – Decent match. This battle royal could be a huge deal, but they just haven’t done a good job of building it.

They should also try doing something with this year’s winner.