Raw Review: Six Nights Before WrestleMania 31

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Rusev vs. Jack Swagger

Rusev was all over Swagger from the jump, until Swagger finally mounted some offense by countering a charging Rusev in the corner.

Swagger got some offense in, along with some nearfalls, but it wasn’t too long before Rusev turned things around and locked in The Accolade.

Rusev defeats Swagger via submission.

After the match, Rusev refused to let go of The Accolade, until John Cena came running down for the save.

Rusev and Cena brawled, with Cena gaining the early upper-hand, until Rusev’s brute strength saw him drive Cena into the barricade, into the ringpost, and over the announce table. After that, Rusev pulled the announce table apart, then he locked in The Accolade on the table, until Cena lost consciousness and the referees had to pull him off.

Rusev looked strong here, but with Rusev standing tall on the go-home show, is his first loss looming this Sunday?