WWE NXT Review: Kevin Owens Defends NXT Championship Against Finn Balor

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Kevin Owens backstage

Owens talked about the similarities between him and Finn Balor. He said they had parallel paths in their pre-NXT careers, and they even arrived in NXT at about the same time.

Owens said that they have both made biig impacts in NXT, but that Balor did it by painting himself up to look like  demon, while Owens did it by decimating Sami Zayn and taking the NXT Championship.

Owens said that each man has his own path, but that nobody, not Finn Balor, not his demons, is taking the NXT Championship from him and his family.

Owens has hit the ground running in NXT. He’s sticking with what got him here, and it is really working.

Bayley and Emma backstage

Emma said that she hates to say, “I told you so,” but she said it anyway. Bayley wasn’t sure what she was talking about.

Emma explained that the NXT crowd tries to fool people, and that playing to them lost Bayley her match against Becky Lynch a few weeks ago. She said that the NXT crowd doesn’t get wrestlers where they want to be, she would know after her failure on the main roster.

Bayley defended the NXT crowd, and started to explain how far they have taken her, but Emma just slapped the daylights out of her, and walked away.

Heel turn city, population: Emma. It should be interesting to see how this plays out. As a fan of Emma’s, I’m very excited.