WrestleMania 31: Preview and Predictions

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United States Championship – Rusev vs John Cena

The United States Champion Rusev has made a career in WWE through bashing the values of America and decimating any superstar that dare step into the ring with him. The Bulgarian Super Athlete and hero of the Russia people has yet to be defeated since debuting a year ago by pinfall or submission. And at Fast Lane, he added John Cena to his list of victims by forcing him to pass out to the Accolade. This massive scalp was the biggest in Rusev’s career to date, and he was ready to move onto bigger things heading into WrestleMania.

Cena however would have other ideas. Following another tirade by Rusev against the American people following a victory over Curtis Axel, Cena would charge the ring, taking down his rival with the STF, which compelled Lana to agree to a match between the pair on the Grandest Stage of Them All for the US title. This did not sit well with Rusev, and although he has played plenty of mind games with Cena, he has shown no qualms about getting his hands dirty, and ended the final RAW before the show choking Cena out on the announce table.

Cena has something of a reputation for being the killer of undefeated streaks, as both Umaga and Bray Wyatt can attest to. And I don’t see that changing at WrestleMania for two reasons. One, I think it actually fits on this occasion, as Cena would be representing America against the threat of Rusev, and this would not be the killing blow to the Super Athlete’s career that many naysayers suggest it will be. And secondly, like Daniel Bryan with the Intercontinental Championship, Cena holding the US title will raise its relevance and exposure to new heights.

Prediction: John Cena