WWE WrestleMania 31: Final Match Card

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Pre-show — André the Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Entering it’s second year, the over-the-top-rope Battle Royal should be very fun to watch.

It is expected that the winner of this match will receive a decent push following WrestleMania. But it is worth mentioning that last year’s winner, Cesaro, didn’t receive much of a push after the match. So it’s anyone’s guess about what will happen.

Here’s a full list of superstars who have been added to the match:

• The Miz
• Curtis Axel
• Ryback
• Fandango
• Adam Rose
• Zack Ryder
• Jack Swagger
• Titus O’Neil
• Darren Young
• Big Show
• Kane
• Erick Rowan
• Damien Mizdow
• Sin Cara
• Goldust
• Heath Slater
• Mark Henry
• Konnor
• Viktor
• Hideo Itami

Some front-runners to win this time around are Curtis Axel, Ryback, Damien Mizdow and Mark Henry.