WWE WrestleMania 31: What to Look Forward to During the Show

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Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns

Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship has been speculated since last summer, so fans knew this was coming. However, with Lesnar re-signing with WWE, who wins this match has become a huge question.

Prior to Lesnar’s announcement, it was widely thought that Reigns would take the WWE WHC and get his WrestleMania moment. With Lesnar still in WWE’s plans for years to come, though, this could change everything.

Many people do not see Reigns being ready for this grand moment at WrestleMania. Everyone knows he has the potential to be a star, but they also know he is not there yet. His wrestling and promo skills are both improving, but are nowhere near perfect. For him to be the next top star of the company, people think those skills need to be perfect. Is it hard to blame them for thinking that? No.

The next thing to maybe look forward to is a possible double-turn. With the fans being for Lesnar and against Reigns, could WWE have these two turn? If that happened, it would likely result in Reigns winning the belt, but the moment would be WrestleMania X-7-esque. This may also include Paul Heyman joining Reigns’ side, which would make things very interesting.

If this does not happen, there is one more scenario to really pay attention to…