WWE Extreme Rules 2015 Review: Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins

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WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match (Steel Cage with RKO Banned)
Seth Rollins (c) vs. Randy Orton
-Kane is the Guard of the Gate.

Result: Seth Rollins defeats Randy Orton by escaping the cage to retain the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Rating: 3.0 out of 5 stars

Before the match, we see Randy Orton approach Kane and tell him that he knows who he really is.

The match would begin with Orton taking full control. He hit Irish whips, a few punches and even launched Rollins into the cage at one point. The WWE WHC would eventually take over.

As Orton was down, Rollins would try escaping the cage. However, the Viper would climb to the top of the cage with him. They wouldn’t jump off, however. But Orton would hit a very nice powerslam.

As Rollins tried escaping, he would have J&J Security come out to help him. Then, with both men on top of the cage, Orton would hit a superplex!

The security then approached Kane, with Jamie Noble saying “it’s time.” However, they would be knocked off by Orton.

Since Orton can’t use the RKO, he hit the Pedigree on Rollins! This was really cool and got a huge reaction from the crowd. However, Rollins kicked out at two.

As Orton would try exiting the cage, Kane slammed the door on him. However, he would get inadvertently knocked off the steps. This led to him storming into the cage and hitting a double choke-slam on the security. He then turned to Orton, choke-slammed him and turned to Rollins and choke-slammed him too.

Kane would put Rollins on Orton to pin him, but the Viper kicked out!

Then Orton would get up and hit the RKO on Kane. Wasn’t it banned?

Rollins then hit the RKO on Orton and walked out of the cage to win.

No really, wasn’t it banned?

Too much outside interference in this. Plus, WWE confused the fans with both Orton and Rollins hitting the RKO. All this happened with the referee not doing anything. That is horrible planning.