WWE Extreme Rules 2015 Review: Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins

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Last Man Standing Match
Big Show vs. Roman Reigns

Result: Roman Reigns defeats Big Show via count-out.

Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars

This is the 41st installment of these two having a match together.

The match had a slow pace to it. However, it got out of the ring very fast. This would lead to Big Show breaking tables and kendo sticks. Why? You tell me.

The two would get back into the ring and Reigns would regain some momentum. As he went to punch Show, he would get swatted like a fly.

Eventually, the tables would head to the ring, as Reigns brought out two. Show would get hit with a Samoan drop and be down for 8 seconds.

Reigns would set up two tables outside the ring. Unfortunately for him, he would be choke-slammed by Show through both of them. It looked like it could be over, but Reigns would get up.

After some more back and forth, Reigns would hit a monster spear on Show through the barricade. Show would then get speared through the announce table! As the World’s Largest Athlete tried getting up, Reigns pinned him with the other announce table for the victory!

Reigns held up very well in this and as someone who criticized him before, I will no longer do so. He held himself very well in arguably the match of the night. Who would have thought this before hand?