WWE Elimination Chamber 2015 Review: Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose

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WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match
Seth Rollins (c) vs. Dean Ambrose

Result: Dean Ambrose defeats Seth Rollins via disqualification. Rollins retains the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Rating: 3.0 out of 5 stars

Roman Reigns is banned from ringside for this match.

Rollins began with a take down and hold to kick things off. Ambrose would counter with a few arm drags to take control. He began working on Rollins’ right arm, who would escape from the ring and call a “time out.”

Once he got back in, the two began brawling again with Ambrose gaining the edge and a near-fall.

When Ambrose was caught in the ropes, Jamie Noble began distracting the referee to let Rollins go to work on his former Shield-mate.

Rollins would continue to handle Ambrose, methodically. He punched him, slapped him around and went for numerous pinfalls.

Ambrose and Rollins would eventually both collide in the ring, leading to them laying on the ground. They would begin going back and forth until Ambrose picked up steam. The two would then start trading pinfalls.

As Ambrose went for a running bulldog, J&J Security pulled Rollins out of the ring. However, Ambrose would dive through the ropes and send Rollins and himself over the announce table.

The action would pick up in the ring with numerous pin attempts from Ambrose and a huge superkick from Rollins.

The two would eventually get to the top rope. Rollins would go for a sunset flip and powerbomb but miss. He would end up hitting a big one outside the ring, though.

Rollins would continue to control in the ring for awhile until Ambrose began countering moves. He would hit a big tornado DDT and nearly get a pinfall.

After it looked like Rollins was coming back again, Ambrose hit a huge lariat that flipped Rollins. He nearly got a fall from this, too.

Ambrose went for Dirty Deeds but J & J distracted, giving Rollins the edge again.

Rollins would plant Ambrose with a powerbomb into the turnbuckle but counter with a lariat. With Rollins down, Ambrose went to the top rope and jumped on Noble, Mercury and Kane. The Architect would come out of the ring but get hit with a big clothesline.

As Ambrose went back to the top rope, he accidentally clipped the referee after Rollins pushed him in the way.

Ambrose would finally hit Dirty Deeds and pin Rollins for multiple seconds until a new referee would come out. He would count 1-2-3 to give Ambrose the win to become the NEW WWE World Heavyweight Champion!

Or not. The referee went to Lillian Garcia and announced that Ambrose won but by DQ after hitting the official.

After a beat down from The Authority, Roman Reigns ran in to save the day. They took out the stable and Ambrose would walk away with the WWE WHC with Reigns to end the show.

Rob’s Note: That was a good match but the referee finish put a damper on things. Every other time a referee has been taken out before, a new one has come in and it’s been no problem. However, that wasn’t the case here, apparently. Ambrose running away with the title also recycles the angle they did with the IC Title just two months ago. Hopefully it’s more creative this time around.