WWE Elimination Chamber 2015 Review: Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose

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Zack Ryder vs. Stardust

Result: Stardust defeats Zack Ryder via pinfall.

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars

Bell-to-Bell Time: 6:07

This match got announced on the Elimination Chamber Kickoff show.

Ryder took control initially with a couple of take downs and got Stardust out of the ring. After the two made their way back in, Stardust went to work with a couple of punches and holds.

Ryder would fight back with a neck-breaker to even the odds.

The two would go back and forth with Ryder gaining some control but toppling out of the ring with Stardust. The latter would go for a rollup but get caught when he held the ropes. Ryder would counter with a rollup of his own and nearly got a pinfall.

Ryder would hit the Broski Boot and try for the Rough Rider but miss and get hit by Cross-Rhodes for the win.

Rob’s Note: Another sign of Cody from Stardust. Other than that, nothing to see here.