WWE Elimination Chamber 2015 Review: Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose

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WWE Intercontinental Championship Elimination Chamber Match
Sheamus vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. R-Truth vs. King Barrett vs. Ryback vs.

Result: Ryback defeats Sheamus via pinfall to win the WWE Intercontinental Championship.

Rating: 2.2 out of 5 stars

Bell-to-Bell Time: 26:57

Mark Henry replaced Rusev in this match. Ziggler and Barrett also started this match.

Ziggler and Barrett would begin trading hits until the latter gained control. He would clothesline Ziggler out of the ring onto the steel floor.

After not a ton of action, R-Truth would be the next one out. Barrett would attack him before he could leave his pod.

Barrett would go back to Ziggler for a brief time until Truth broke in and provided some offense. He hit a scissors kick but got taken down with a side slam for a near-fall. Ziggler would go for a rollup on Barrett and nearly get the fall. The Brit would counter with a superkick and nearly get a pin of his own.

After Ziggler was sent into Henry’s pod, he plexi-glass would open up. This allowed him to get out and begin attacking.

Ryback would be the next one out. He quickly attacked Barrett and nearly pinned him.

Ziggler would go back to Barrett and get some quality offense in until he was hit with Wasteland. However, Barrett would be hit by Lie Detector from Truth and get pinned. How the mighty have fallen.

Sheamus would be next out but his pod wouldn’t open. While this went on, Ryback, Ziggler and Truth would focus on Henry. Ryback would turn around and hit Truth with Shellshock for a pin.

Ryback and Ziggler would begin battling. At The Big Guy went for the Meathook Clothesline, Ziggler superkicked him.

Sheamus would finally get out after picking the lock. He would begin attacking Henry and taunting him. The Celtic Warrior eventually eliminated him.

Ziggler and Sheamus would begin rekindling their feud while Ryback was on the outside.

Ryback would eventually climb back in and get superkicked by Ziggler. However, Sheamus came back with a Brogue Kick (after not selling a Fame-Asser) and pinned Ziggler. This left Sheamus and Ryback in the ring.

Ryback would attack Sheamus, who was gloating. He went after him with punches and a big power slam. Sheamus would eventually counter and hit white noise on the steel for a near-fall.

Ryback would fight back and hit a powerbomb over the ropes. He then hit Shellshock for the win to become the new Intercontinental Champion.

Rob’s Note: Good for Ryback. This is his first WWE singles title win. Unfortunately, it came in a very bad match, arguably one of the worst Elimination Chamber matches ever. There was nothing exciting about this that would make a fan go back and re-watch on the WWE Network.