WWE Raw Review: Final Money in the Bank Build

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Randy Orton vs. Sheamus

Result: Sheamus defeats Randy Orton via disqualification.

Rating: 2.3 out of 5 stars

Orton would begin going to work on Sheamus immediately until the latter took over.

Orton would attack again by laying out The Celtic Warrior with a clothesline and going to work on a supposedly injured leg. Sheamus would go back to work on Orton with an arm lock until The Viper answered back.

We come back to see Sheamus in control for awhile. Orton would come back with a couple of lariats and a big powerslam. He then set up for an RKO, which Sheamus countered. He went for a Brogue Kick but got denied that, too. The two would take their fight outside the ring.

Sheamus would take out a chair just like last week. However, Orton avoided it and tossed a chair back at Sheamus to cause a DQ.

Orton would get his revenge from last week on Sheamus but throwing him onto the announce table and into the steel steps. He then hit a big RKO on him.

Rob’s Note: Same match and post-match segment as last week with roles reversed. These two just don’t work well together.