WWE Money in the Bank Review: Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose

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Money in the Bank Kickoff Match
R-Truth vs. King Barrett

Result: R-Truth defeated King Barrett via pinfall.

Rating: 2.2 out of 5 stars

Truth cuts a promo on Barrett before the King calls out the crowd and him.

Truth and Barrett began trading blows until the former starting taunting and sent the former deliverer of Bad News over the ring.

We come back to see Truth still in control until Barrett him him with a clothesline. He then continued the assault into the corner and with a suplex before nearly getting a pinfall.

Truth would work his way back with a flurry of offense to nearly get a few pinfalls.

Barrett would work his way back and go for the Bull Hammer twice until Truth rolled him up for a pin.

Rob’s Note: R-Truth is stale. The “King” gimmick is stale, despite Barrett having talent. They have successfully turned a talented star into a joke.