WWE 2K16: 10 Improvements That Need to Happen

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9. Better Commentary

One of the most infuriating elements of past WWE games that the player is exposed to on a regular basis is the mind-numbing and repetitive commentary. This is difficult to remedy to a degree, because there is only a finite number of phrases that can be stored into the game, but in previous versions they seem to repeat a very limited selection of lame jokes and facts that bore the player rather than invest them like a true WWE game should. Poor commentary has plagued many a wrestling video game, and we can only hope WWE 2K16 will buck that trend.

Really, you need to get Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, JBL, Booker T and any other commentator working in the recording booth whenever time can allow. Give them about a dozen phrases they can use to describe each wrestler, with added specialty ones when they are in the ring with a particular adversary. Extra phrases about the match type, arena, moves being employed and even the corny parts where they are advertising or encouraging fans on Twitter would all make the commentary seem equivalent to the real thing.