WWE 2K16: 10 Improvements That Need to Happen

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3. Faster Gameplay

I am of the opinion that WWE 2K15 made a step in the right direction with their updates to the gameplay. It made the matches seem more deliberate and realistic, and the addition of a stamina mode made for more exciting bouts. However, as this was their first attempt at the new system, their were some obvious teething issues. The opening chain wrestling seems to take an age to complete, and slugging around the ring can feel more like a chore than an exciting foray into the world of professional wrestling.

Perhaps another quick time event could be the ideal start of a match, with certain combinations of buttons leading to a variety of chain wrestling combinations. Beyond that, the rumors of a tiered stamina system that will make for a more fluid experience that blends realism and the freedom of gaming. It might be asking a lot, but matches in previous editions of the WWE series did the job much better. I appreciate the avenue 2K games is travelling down in their changes to the playing style, and I’m certain given time it will function exceptionally well.