WWE Raw Review: Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose vs. Kane and Seth Rollins

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Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins and Kane

Result: Seth Rollins and Kane defeat Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose via pinfall.

Rating: 3.0 out of 5 stars

  • Things began chaotic right off the bat between the four. Ambrose dove onto Rollins but as we went to break, The Authority was ahead.
  • We come back to see Rollins in control of Reigns, who began fighting back. Kane would tag in and keep Reigns from tagging Ambrose.
  • Ambrose got the hot tag and went to work on Rollins. He sent both members of The Authority out of the ring and hit a flying elbow on them.
  • Ambrose would take out a table and put it in the ring but J&J removed it.
  • Rollins would go for a pin but Reigns stopped it and hit a big powerbomb. Joey Mercury would come up with a kendo stick but it got taken away by Reigns, who hit both Mercury and Kane.
  • Reigns came back with three huge Superman punches. He was setting up for a spear until Bray Wyatt came out. He slammed Reigns into the steps and onto the announce table.
  • In the ring, Ambrose took on Kane. He hit a bit clothesline and set up Dirty Deeds but was attacked by Rollins. Kane them choke slammed Ambrose, followed by a Pedigree from Rollins to end the match.

After the match, Mercury brought out a table. As Rollins was being cocky, Reigns returned and went after The Authority. He got choke slammed, though.

Reigns would get back up and kick The Authority out of the ring. However, they surrounded the ring and beat him up. Rollins powerbombed him through the table set up earlier.

After Reigns slowly got up, Rollins hit him with a Pedigree.

Wyatt would come back out and hit Sister Abigail on Reigns.

Rob’s Note: Interesting ending. The heels got the win and stood tall after that long beat down. Ambrose being gone for such a long time didn’t make sense, though.

This seems like it will set up Brock Lesnar to come back next week and wreak havoc. It also looks like they’re setting up Ambrose and Reigns for pay-per-view wins at the moment, given WWE’s 50/50 booking.