WWE Raw Review: Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose vs. Kane and Seth Rollins

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The Authority Promo

Seth Rollins says its Monday Night Rollins and calls out Washington DC for not knowing what true power is. He starts talking about how gaining true power is by taking it, which he says no other has done.

Rollins talks about conquering Brock Lesnar and says he is not here tonight. He brings up Lesnar (legitimately) hurting Jamie Noble and calls him the toughest guy. He tells the crowd to stand up and show Noble appreciation for being there.

Rollins then pulls out brand new Apple watches for the trio. How about that product placement?

Rollins says he has something better for Kane. He brings up Kane’s debut in 1997 and calls Paul Heyman a “piece of crap.” He says Kane has held the WWE together since his debut and gives him a vacation to Hawaii. Yes, you read that right.

Rollins says he’ll send off Kane in style by taking out Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns tonight in their match.

Rollins says there’s more. He saw J&J riding in a terrible rental car and says they travel in style. He brings out a Cadillac 2015 CTS. I stress that this is not being made up.

Rob’s Note: That was so ridiculously stupid but wildly entertaining. What’s the catch?