WWE Raw Review: Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose vs. Kane and Seth Rollins

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Paige vs. Alicia Fox

Result: Paige defeated Alicia Fox via pinfall.

Rating: 2.8 out of 5 stars

  • Paige would start strong with a few holds and twists on Fox. She would get her into an armbar.
  • Paige would continue to assault Fox, who ran out of the ring. She would club the British Diva from behind as we went to commercial.
  • We come back to see Fox in control for a few minutes. She hit a Northern Lights suplex and a long hold.
  • Fox then hit a big back-breaker but Paige kicked out of a pin.
  • Paige would have a big comeback with a couple take downs and two big kicks for a near-fall.
  • After Nikki tried distracting, Fox went for a roll-up pin. However, Paige countered it and won with her own!

Rob’s Note: The crowd popped for Paige’s win, which was good to see. They will even more when one (or more) NXT women come up.