WWE Raw Review: Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose vs. Kane and Seth Rollins

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John Cena Promo

Before Cena could say anything, Kevin Owens came out. He was about to fight Cena but changed his mind last second.

WWE United States Championship Match
John Cena (c) vs. Cesaro

Result: Cesaro defeats John Cena via disqualification. However, Cena retains the WWE United States Championship.

Rating: 4.2 out of 5 stars

Owens was on commentary for this.

  • Dueling chants against Cena started right off the bat as the two locked up.
  • Cesaro began with a power slam for a near-fall.
  • Cena would pick up Cesaro for an AA but got countered. Cesaro then picked him up for a gut wrench suplex.
  • Cesaro hit a few big uppercuts and a big boot for another near-fall.
  • Cena came back with a standing dropkick but got stomped on multiple times.
  • We come back to see Cesaro nearly picking up a pin on Cena. He goes to put him into a sharpshooter but got reversed. This set up Cena for a five-knuckle shuffle, missed and got taken down by Cesaro for a near-fall.
  • Cena would get out of a Cesaro Swing and hit a springboard stunner for a near-fall.
  • Cena went for the AA but Cesaro got out of hit. He then threw Cena into the air for a huge uppercut to nearly win.
  • Cena would slip an STF on him but Cesaro reversed it into a shaprtshooter. Mr. HLR got to the ropes, though.
  • Cesaro would then hit a huge suplex off the second rope! This match is incredible.
  • Cena then got out of an Irish whip and connected with a big tornado DDT for another near-fall.
  • After an attempted cross-body, Cena countered it and hit big face plant for another near-fall.
  • During the match, Owens got off commentary and yelled at Michael Cole, giving him a “warning.”
  • Back in the ring Cesaro went for a Neutralizer, which Cena countered.
  • Cesaro then hit the Neutralizer! But Cena kicked out.
  • Cesaro then got Cena up for the Swing! He then put the sharpshooter on. Owens would get up and club Cesaro, though, to cause a DQ.

Rob’s Note: The finish is perfectly fine because Owens is the only man who can pull something like that off.

However, this match was absolutely incredible. Maybe not as good as Cena/Owens I and II but it’s right behind them. Have these two wrestle every week!