WWE NXT Review: Sasha Banks and Charlotte Reunite

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#1 Contender’s Match for the NXT Tag Team Championship
The Vaudevillains vs. Enzo Amore and Big Cass

Result: The Vaudevillains defeat Enzo Amore and Big Cass to become the #1 contenders for the NXT Tag Team Championship.

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars

  • Both Vaudevillains lock up Enzo in their corner with swapping tags.
  • Enzo fought back with throwing Gotch out and Cass clotheslined English out of the ring.
  • We come back to see Gotch and English in control of Enzo. He took a bit boot to the face.
  • English would come back in, put a hold on Enzo and drive his knee into him. Gotch came in briefly, too.
  • Enzo finally ducked a clothesline and tagged in Big Cass. He took out English and clotheslind Gotch.
  • While Cass was distracted, English nearly got a schoolboy pin. Gotch then took a big slam.
  • Ezno would go for a cross-body on English but got it turned into a pin to give The Vaudevillains the win.

Rob’s Note: Interesting call here. With how over Enzo and Big Cass are, you have to wonder if this becomes a triple threat for the titles at NXT Brooklyn.