WWE Tough Enough Recap: Swallow Your Pride, It’s Good for You

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Opening Segment

  • The judges are introduced and then the Big Show is welcomed out to the WWE Tough Enough studio. He says he’s here to see who’s strong.
  • We go to the barracks and see the competitors talking. The girls realize they only have a few to beat out.
  • ZZ makes a bizarre analogy to Patrick and we then go to the next challenge.
  • The competitors are introduced to an obstacle course and are explained what they have to do for it. Billy Gunn brings out police officers and Natalya to enforce the rules of the course.
  • Tanner begins dominating the field and wins the competition. Gigi is the first one from the girls.
  • We then see ZZ, Amanda and Chelsea be the last ones out there. Chelsea then fell off the rope and did something to her ankle.

Next: Second Segment