WWE NXT Review: NXT TakeOver Contract Signing

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Charlotte Interview

Charlotte says what’s been happening on Raw has been a statement. She praises the work that they’ve done in NXT.

Dana then comes up and says Charlotte will fail miserably. Dana says she never gets the chances that others have been given. She says she’s hear to make a statement by beating Charlotte.

The Vaudevillains vs. Sawyer Fulton and Angelo Dawkins

Result: The Vaudevillains defeat Swayer Fulton and Angelo Dawkins via pinfall.

  • Simon Gotch hit a few quick moves on Dawkins and nearly got a win. Fulton would come up from behind and club Gotch for a near-fall.
  • Gotch would get put into a hold and finally make the hot tag to Aiden English.
  • English went to work with a few kicks and a big slam,
  • Gotch and English hit the Whirling Dervish for the win.

Next: NXT Championship Contract Signing