Hulk Hogan’s Five Biggest Career Blunders

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Check out the worst of Hulk Hogan with his five biggest blunders in his career.

“What it comes crashing down and it hurts inside.” – Rick Derringer.

There are two huge role models I had from childhood through adulthood: Hulk Hogan and Jon Bon Jovi. Bon Jovi can be for another blog, but the best example of my belief in Hulkamania occurred at my bar mitzvah. (Challah!)

My theme was New York sports. The centerpiece at each table featured the logo of one NY pro team whether it was Yankees, Knicks, Jets, etc. However, my table transcended the theme as I had a big, fat plastic Hulk Hogan right in the middle.

While I am disappointed that WWE and Hulk Hogan are not working together anymore, we are currently in that 72 hour period where public opinion votes Hogan off the island of life. (See Donald Sterling.) I’m not planning to hunt down the sex tape transcript as I’m sure that’s why WWE went ‘Men In Black’ on his presence. However, this incident is not on the level of Bill Cosby and Chris Benoit, which are horrific acts of criminality.

Unfortunately, Hogan has had many personal and public missteps over the course of his career. Sounds like we have ourselves a countdown, brother!

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