Hulk Hogan’s Five Biggest Career Blunders

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#5 – “Wrestlemania 30, right here in the Silverdome!”

Back in 1985, Hulk Hogan helped Vince McMahon make good on his gamble as he and Mr. T set Madison Square Garden on fire. And fans who didn’t see it live or on closed circuit television could go to the local camera store in town and rent it for $20. Just me?

Fast forward 30 thirty years and there stands Hulk Hogan in the middle of the New Orleans Superdome, home of the New Orleans Saints, hosting “the granddaddy of them all.” Just one problem: in front of over 70,000 people he kept referring to the SUPERDOME as Detroit’s Pontiac SILVERDOME. You know, the venue for Wrestlemania III where Hulk Hogan body slammed Andre the Giant, simultaneously tearing his back and bicep muscles.

While it was a huge gaffe, it was fairly harmless. If anything it added to the segment when Stone Cold Steve Austin came out next and repeatedly ribbed Hogan. The Rock then shocked the crowd with his appearance as the three greatest WWE icons of the modern era stood in the middle of the ring, rattling off catchphrases and toasting to Wrestlemania. And the segment did have a happy ending as Hogan correctly bellowed SUPERDOME during his ‘Whatcha gonna do’ outro!

The lesson: know where you are, brother!

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