Hulk Hogan’s Five Biggest Career Blunders

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#4 – “Put the smackdown on those unwanted bills, brother!” (Loanmart)

Collecting a paycheck can be a funny thing for a celebrity. On one hand you are viable, getting paid to create art, but on the other hand, one project could damage your career.  The former could apply to Robert Deniro. Have you seen his IMDB page? He adds credibility to any project he does, even New Year’s Eve. The latter could apply to Ian Ziering (or so he thought).

In a recent appearance on Chris Jericho’s Talk is Jericho podcast, he revealed that the only reason he did Sharknado, initially titled Dark Skies, was to meet the earning minimum to qualify for Screen Actors Guild’s health insurance. Once he heard the film’s title was changed to Sharknado, he felt like a Mick Fanning shark attack. He assumed this was career suicide and begged his agent for a way out. However, family comes first and two sequels later, Steve Sanders is rich again.

The Hulk Hogan and Loanmart partnership is the exact opposite. Hogan’s appearance fee was probably more than the cost of the rest of the commercial. Yes, Hulk Hogan in a Super Bowl “Radio Shack” commercial is something nostalgic and magical, but appearing in a commercial you would watch during Judge Judy is not the best way to let the public know what you’ve been up to. This commercial is so demoralizing to Hulk Hogan and his Hulkamanics that they should have just aired the commercial during a late night infomercial. I’m assuming Hogan’s motivation was that some of the money was going towards alimony.

The lesson: never get divorced, brother!

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