WWE Tough Enough Competitor Rankings: Episode 6

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Who will prove to be Tough Enough to survive after week six?

It was very accurately covered by our editor Rob, this week was extremely surprising and confusing.  This started with our elimination this week.

Eliminated this week: Mada
Ranking Last Week: 2

Now I’m not sure if I’m just complete inept at ranking potential superstars, or if the general viewing population just doesn’t know what makes for a good wrestler. Wait yes I’m entirely sure: the wrong person went home this week for the second week in a row.

Mada has charisma and a good look. He is unique and seemed to be making strides in the ring. He was last in the Focus challenge and was held back in the ring by ZZ during the in-ring portion but he looked good still.

However due to a combination of the world taking pity on someone who is just not cut out to be a wrestler (ZZ) and new judge Miz trying to “shake things up” and using his save on a diva who he said “was hot” (Amanda) Mada ends up going home.

Can’t wait to see Mada show up on TNA, GFW or ROH sometime. If I was him, I wouldn’t go back to WWE after the travesty that is Tough Enough.