Wrestling’s Top Ten Greatest Tag Teams of All Time

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#7: Demolition (Ax, Smash & Crush) – 15 points

Demolition, clad in KISS like facepaint and intimidating leather outfits, burst into the World Wrestling Federation in the late 1980s and tried to take it over. They would end up succeeding and becoming one of the most successful duos (and later trios) in wrestling.
Ax and Smash were the original members of Demolition, and with their red, silver and black facepaint on they became unstoppable. They ran over all the face tag teams that Vince McMahon’s promotion had to offer, winning the WWF Tag Team Championships three times between 1988 and 1990. They were effective as both menacing heels and believable bad ass good guys, especially when being put up against the despicable Bobby Heenan and the Heenan Family.

Smash soon joined a then-heel Demolition to make it a three man unit. This gave them an unfair numbers advantage and they used the Freebird Rule (similar to how any two members of New Day could defend the tag titles for the group) to their own advantage. Eventually Crush would replace Ax as the main member of Demolition along side Smash and the group would never have the same success. They would reunite over the years for independent shows, but the popularity of another facepaint wearing group knocked them down the ladder in the WWF and in our rankings.