WWE Tough Enough Recap: Spinning a Yarn

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Second Segment

We get read the rules of Tough Enough.

Back in the barracks we see Josh discussing Tanner’s “game” with women with him. Josh gets Tanner to pretend he’s “flirting” with him to get some practice. Things get awkward fast.

GiGi talks to Sara about the head dropping incident. Sara says the coaches would have stopped her if it was that bad. GiGi says Sara doesn’t have what it takes to be here.

We see the guys in the gym. Josh talks to ZZ about “wanting it” for wrestling.

The competitors then get introduced to the next challenge at a fire house. Titus O’Neil and Darren Young are then brought out to help with the competition. Titus says everyone works to make the WWE product the best possible.

The LT introduces the challenge. Two groups of competitors have to team together to save someone and put out a fire.

ZZ has volunteer firefighter experience and gets some praise for his knowledge. The first group does this in 12 minutes, 2 seconds.

The next group goes up and struggles. Josh does most of the work at first and Sara and GiGi struggle. The group finishes in 14 minutes, 49 seconds.

The coaches praise both teams but give “the win” to team one.

Rob’s Note: According to the coaches, both teams did well. From how it was produced, team one looked like they did much better, which is interesting.

This competition was fine and displayed teamwork. O’Neil and Young’s presence meant nothing to the show, as they arguably did the least of any WWE Superstar guest.

Next: Third Segment