Team Bella vs. Team B.A.D.
Result: Team Bella defeats Team B.A.D. via pinfall.
Rating: 2.8 out of 5 stars
Naomi and Alicia Fox began this match. They locked up for a bit until Naomi threw multiple punches and got hit with a back-breaker. Nikki Bella came in and nearly got a pinfall.
Sasha Banks then came in and got a near-fall. Naomi came back in but got taken down by Nikki. She elbowed Naomi and kicked her for near-fall.
We come back to see Sasha in control of Nikki with a straitjacket for a near-fall. She put on another straitjacket but got slammed into the turnbuckle by Nikki. She kicked away Sasha and got the hot tag on Brie.
Brie went to work with Daniel Bryan kicks and hit a missile dropkick. Tamina came in with a devastating clothesline, went for a superkick and missed but got rolled up for the win.
After the match, Team BAD went after Brie and beat her down. Fox and Nikki made the save and Team PCB came in for the brawl. Team BAD and PCB would take out Team Bella.
Team BAD and PCB would stand in the ring and stare each other down to end this.
Rob’s Note: The match was decent but the finish was hot. The crowd was very much into it and they loved the brawl that ensued afterwards.
The only question I have here is on the Bellas being faces or heels. They started this segment as faces but ended up walking away like the bad girls. Fortunately, this isn’t as big of an issue as it once was.
Next: New Day vs. Los Matadores