WWE: Five More People to Ban from Events

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Dana White/Joe Rogan

It is no secret: UFC President Dana White and WWE Chairman Vince McMahon are not even Facebook friends. So when the WWE was mourning the death of “Rowdy” Roddy Piper and “Rowdy” Ronda Rousey was dedicating her match to her namesake, Dana White committed the cardinal sin of describing wrestling using the f-word. Wrestlers like Seth Rollins and Bull Dempsey called him out immediately, regardless of the context, even though UFC’s biggest all-time draw was Brock Lesnar who came from WWE.

So while you would usually ban someone after they are part of a show, let’s make a pre-emptive strike and ban everyone named Dana or Joe from UFC, especially when Ronda Rousey jumps ship and takes the Diva Revolution to another galaxy.

Joe Rogan, who is to Dana White what Michael Cole is to Vince McMahon, is no fan either and I’m sure Fear Factor to him would be watching every Wrestlemania consecutively. Or maybe instead of banning Rogan, we can make him experience true terror: watch the declining episodes of Nitro.

Next: But I'm a Smart Fan!