5 Reasons Why Seth Rollins Must Win at WWE SummerSlam

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Seth Rollins Must Win this Match Clean

Throughout his time as WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Rollins has been booked as a slimy but cowardly heel. Being that latter trait has really hurt him at times in his matches, especially in the minds of the fans.

All of Rollins’ title wins have come by a slim margin or from outside interference. When he was aligned with Kane and J&J Security, they often distracted the first NXT Champion’s opponents and cost them the win. You can look back at his Extreme Rules, Payback and even his Elimination Chamber match, when Rollins hit the referee.

ALSO SEE: John Cena’s SummerSlam Curse

Then there was the title match on Raw a few weeks ago when Rollins barely defeated Neville.

While Neville is very talented, he has not been booked on the level of Rollins. Thus why he’s in a feud with Stardust and King Barrett going into SummerSlam. Rollins should be dominating him, not being controlled for a majority of the match.

Even prior to that, he tapped out to Cena for the WWE United States Championship. This didn’t help him case.

Now that he submitted to Cena, Rollins has to get the clean win. It would be his biggest victory yet and give him another win on a top WWE PPV.

Rollins has to prove that he can win these big matches on his own. Winning this match clean would be a step in the right direction after the poor booking he’s received from WWE.

Next: Making Rollins Look Strong