5 Reasons to Watch NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn

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You’ll Witness Baron Corbin’s Rise or Spiraling Downfall

An underrated story going into NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn is Baron Corbin, who will be facing Samoa Joe.

Corbin has been a consistent member of NXT for about a year. He began as a face and was well over with the fans after squashing numerous jobbers in seconds. He had the size, the look and the presence. The former NFL player was basically a stereotypical WWE Superstar.

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However, the lust wore off as Corbin continued to squash jobbers in seconds. Fans saw he wasn’t doing anything else and didn’t show much improvement in the ring, so they turned on him after he “won” a lackluster feud with Bull Dempsey.

NXT responded by turning him heel. Since then, he has defeated Rhyno and a plethora of low-ranking talent. This includes defeating one each of the past four weeks. It seemed to be a way of building him up for Joe, who he even cut a promo on. This was rare for Corbin to do.

Now that Corbin is facing his best and toughest opponent since coming to NXT, we are going to finally see how WWE really feels about the Lone Wolf.

If Corbin defeats Joe, he’ll have a ton of momentum and possibly move towards an NXT Championship challenge. He may be closer than ever if Finn Balor defeats Kevin Owens to retain the title.

In other words, the sky’s the limit for Corbin.

However, if he loses to Joe, all the build he received for nearly a year will be thrown away. He did take a pin to Neville in an NXT Championship number one contender’s match but that was very early in his career, so it didn’t effect him. Plus it wasn’t on a live special.

Corbin getting pinned at the biggest live special of them all could mean WWE isn’t as high on him in NXT. This of course isn’t factoring in Vince McMahon, who loves people like Corbin based on the description above. He could still have a future in WWE but a loss will put him flat on his face with nowhere to go. He would need another near-year long build to regain his status as this dominant heel.

NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn will determine Corbin’s fate. Will WWE put their faith in him by defeating Joe?

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