Most Likely Outcomes for John Cena vs. Seth Rollins at WWE SummerSlam

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What Won’t Happen: Rollins Wins Clean and Becomes U.S. Champion

With or without a Sheamus cash in, Rollins will not win clean this Sunday at SummerSlam. Since becoming champion, Rollins has won cleanly approximately 0% of the time in one-on-one PPV matches (and don’t try to tell me the ladder match vs. Dean Ambrose was clean, the whole grabbing-the-belt-while-falling thing was horse hockey). So with Rollins’ track record of dirty finishes, there’s no way he beats the guy who loses clean maybe once a year. While I don’t hate the idea of Rollins having two championships, Cena will not be the one he defeats to accomplish this.

But in order to cover all possibilities, let’s imagine Rollins somehow won cleanly, but it was followed by a Sheamus cash-in. If Sheamus cashed in, won the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, and left Rollins with just the U.S. title, it would kill all the momentum the belt has gained over the last few months. WWE and John Cena have done a great job bringing prestige back to a belt that had little to no meaning whatsoever. Rollins has openly stated that the U.S. title is lesser than the WWE title, and it is, but that’s not the idea that Cena has projected. Rollins’ arrogance would not allow him to be satisfied with holding just the U.S. title, and he would probably dismiss and degrade the championship, which reverses all the meaning Cena has brought to the belt since WrestleMania.

Now that we’ve discussed what isn’t going to happen, let’s get into some outcomes we could actually see on Sunday night, ranked from #4 to #1.

Next: #4 Will Super Cena Rise Again?