Most Likely Outcomes for John Cena vs. Seth Rollins at WWE SummerSlam

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No. 4 Most Likely Outcome: Cena Wins Cleanly and Becomes WWE World Heavyweight Champion

There isn’t much logic behind this one other than it being another case of Super Cena rising above everyone. Would there really be anything more Cena-esque than him walking around with two championships while simultaneously halting Seth’s seemingly unstoppable title run? I don’t think so. A clean Cena win with no cash-in doesn’t make a lot of sense, but it can’t be ruled out because, well, it’s John Cena.

After Seth Rollins has defeated all comers in one way or another, having Cena come in and win out of nowhere would be nothing short of disappointing. No matter how much you may hate Seth Rollins for always winning cheaply, or for being insufferably cocky on the mic, pinning the title on Cena right now is a huge mistake. Let Rollins keep the title for a little while longer, that way when he loses to a rising babyface, it will be a much more memorable occurrence.

Next: No. 3 Could Sheamus Capitalize?