Most Likely Outcomes for John Cena vs. Seth Rollins at WWE SummerSlam

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No. 3 Most Likely Outcome: Cena Wins Clean, Sheamus Cashes in and Wins

If the goal is to build Seth up as a credible heel, then this outcome doesn’t make much sense. However, there are some reasons this can work. First, a Cena clean win wouldn’t really surprise anyone. Cena is put over all the time even when he shouldn’t be (sorry Kevin Owens), so that part is feasible.

And then we have the Sheamus cash-in, which also makes sense. The crowd would pop because Rollins, one of the more irritating heels in recent history, finally loses his title, regardless of the fact that it’s a polarizing figure in John Cena that takes it from him. But then Sheamus comes out and wins the belt from a battered and bruised Cena. It instantly puts even more heat on Sheamus than there already is, and sets up a Cena-Sheamus rivalry, with Rollins also clamoring for his rematch. However, this isn’t the only way Sheamus can walk out of Brooklyn with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Next: No. 2 Will Sheamus Cash in on the Architect?