Most Likely Outcomes for John Cena vs. Seth Rollins at WWE SummerSlam

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No. 2 Most Likely Outcome: Match Ends in DQ, Sheamus Cashes in and Wins

It seems highly likely that this match ends with some sort of shenanigans, but it’s what happens afterwards that will be interesting. I expect a screwy finish mainly because Cena winning clean doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, and Seth winning clean seems borderline impossible for reasons stated earlier. But a Sheamus cash-in would certainly spice things up.

If Cena gets screwed out of a win at SummerSlam, then a Sheamus cash-in could make Cena demand a rematch, along with Rollins demanding one via his rematch clause. We could easily find ourselves watching a Sheamus-Rollins-Cena triple threat at Night of Champions this time next month. While this is all possible, it is not what I feel is most likely to happen. Which brings us to…

Next: No. 1 No New Champions?