WWE SmackDown Review: August 20 8-Man Tag

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The main event is announced as Orton, Cesaro, Reigns, and Ambrose vs Wyatts, Sheamus and Owens. Three feuds being bunched into one? Should be an interesting match to cap the night.

Ryback out to start the show…with a match! What a great change of pace.

Non-Title Match: Ryback (c) vs Big Show

Result: Match ends in a count-out

Rating: 2.8 stars out of 5 stars.

We get a recap before the match of Ryback beating Miz on Monday and calling out Big Show.

Right off the bat the two trade blows, but Big Show catches Ryback with a massive clothesline. Show starts barking at the crowd about how Ryback won’t be the one to retire him. Ryback manages to get some momentum and traps Big Show in the corner. Ryback gets the crowd chanting “Feed Me More” and goes for a Meathook Clothesline but Show gets a tackle on Ryback that floors him.

Big Show is in control of Ryback on the outside, and Ryback manages to reverse a slam. He then clotheslines Big Show right through the barricade and both men are down! The camera feed even cuts out because they ruined the connection. Neither man can get up and it ends in a countout.

Evan’s Notes: This was a great match to sell the triple threat match at Summerslam. Big Show looked like the unstoppable giant and Ryback looked like the fighting champion. Plus we got a match to start SmackDown instead of the regular 10 minute promo. Great start to the show!

A triple threat Divas match is announced for tonight where Becky Lynch, Brie Bella, and Sasha Banks will be in action.

New Day is shown backstage dunking on someone again. NEW, DAY ROCKS.