NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn Results, Analysis and Grades

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NXT Women’s Championship Match

Sasha Banks (c) vs Bayley

Result: Bayley def. Banks by pinfall (Bayley-to-Belly Suplex)

Rating: 4.5 stars out of 5 stars

Bayley has polka dots on her headband and wristbands in honor of Dusty Rhodes and gets a huge ovation from the crowd. Sasha Banks comes out to the ring in an Escalade accompanied by four big security guards. The crowd is hyped, and when Banks is announced to be from Boston the boos were tremendously loud.

Banks laughs at Bayley and calls her pathetic for the Dusty Rhodes tribute, so Bayley jumps her. Bayley hulks up at one point and smashes Banks’ head into the turnbuckle repeatedly, and follows it with a springboard elbow for a two count. Dueling chants for both competitors make the arena extremely loud.
The action spills to the outside and Bayley hits a dropkick through the ropes to Banks. Back in the ring, and Banks kicks Bayley off the second rope when the champ’s attempt for a superplex didn’t work. Banks mocks Bayley’s crowd taunt and maintains control of the challenger. Banks gets Bayley inyo a collection of submission holds and continues to trash talk her. Banks sets up Bayley in the corner on the top rope and hits her patented knee attack from there. She covers Bayley after and only gets a two count.

Banks goes to trash talk Bayley who is downed in a corner, but eats a big boot to the face. Banks manages to use Bayley’s momentum against her and hits an arm bar on the ropes. Banks rips Bayley’s hand brace off and then slams the exposed hand into the stairs and stomps on it. She then puts the hand between the steps and the ring and kicks it, which could’ve broken her hand. The ref checks on Bayley to see if she can continue, and Banks hits a rolling plancha over the top rope to Bayley on the outside.

The action moves back into the ring and Banks covers her challenger for another close two count. Banks goes to smash Bayley’s hand against the rope but also takes a big fall herself. Bayley and Banks trade elbows Bayley keeping her hands close to her chest.

Bayley hits the champ with a corner suplex and goes for the Bayley to Belly Suplex, but gets reversed. Banks manages to get Bayley into the Bank Statement and when Bayley her hand close to the rope, Banks stomps on it mercilessly. Bayley then manages to reverse the Bank Statement into a Bank Statement of her own! Sasha rolls out of it in excruciating pain. Bayley manages to catch Banks with a Bayley-to-Belly suplex but only gets a two!

Bayley puts Banks up on the top rope to go for a Super Bayley-to-Belly. The two trade blows on the top rope , but Banks shoves Bayley away to the mat. Banks drops knees on Bayley and gets a close two count. Banks then sets Bayley up on the top rope, but the challenger fights her off with elbows. Bayley hits a top rope reverse Bayleycanrana! She follows it with a Bayley-to-Belly Suplex and gets the three count! New NXT Women’s Champion!

Charlotte and Becky Lynch come out to celebrate with the new NXT Women’s Champion. Banks gets up after the match and congratulates Bayley. All four NXT women hug and celebrate, as this is probably the last time all 4 Horsewomen of NXT will be on the same NXT show.

Evan’s Note: That was an incredible match from top to bottom. The action, the psychology, the story of Banks being the ruthless champion and focusing on the injured hand of Bayley, Bayley evolving and becoming a more focused competitor. The crowd was into it, I was into it, and it was one of the best matches that I’ve seen so far this year. Just amazing.

Next: Owens vs. Balor