Wrestling’s Greatest Factions of All Time

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9. The Fabulous Freebirds

Members: Michael Hayes, Terry Gordy, Buddy Roberts

Years Active: 1979-1994

When you look at the history of wrestling there may of not ever been a thing called a faction if it wasn’t for our next trio. In 1979 Hayes, Gordy and Roberts decided to form a gang-like tag team, something that was not heard of yet during this time.

The group got their big break in World Class Championship Wrestling, a territory based outside of Dallas, Texas. There, the group was involved in one of the most classic feuds of all time. The Freebird’s feud with The Von Erichs is regarded as one of the most iconic faction feuds of all time. The Von Erichs were regarded as heroes in Texas and The Freebirds could not stand it. One of the most iconic moments in their long feud happened when Terry Gordy slammed a steel cage door into Kerry Von Erich’s head.

They also performed in the NWA-affiliated Georgia Championship Wrestling, World Championship Wrestling, the American Wrestling Association, and the Oklahoma-based Universal Wrestling Federation. While in the AWA, The Freebirds entered another iconic feud with the legendary Road Warriors.

The group then wrestled for a very short period in the WWF before going to the UWF where Buddy Roberts won the Heavyweight Championship, Gordy won the Television Championship and Hayes acted as their manager. After GWF closed down, the group went its separate ways for a few years before returning together in the GWF, ending their run in 1994.

The Freebird’s legacy is known for two reasons. The first is the group was the first to use a rock and roll song as an entrance theme.  The group’s name was based on the classic Lynyrd Skynyrd song Free Bird which the group used as their entrance theme. The second is the group created the term Freebird rule. During the group’s massive run they obtained multiple Tag Team Championships. So that all members could defend the belts the group coined the Freebird rule in which all three members were champions, therefore, any pairing could defend the belts. This rule has been recently brought back for WWE Tag Team Champions, The New Day’s title run.

The Freebird’s legacy is iconic and without them paving the way their might of never been a thing called factions. They changed the rules as they went and they lived their life free as a bird.

Next: The Hounds of Justice