Wrestling’s Greatest Factions of All Time

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7. The Corporation

Members: Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, The Rock, Ken Shamrock, Big Bossman, Kane, Chyna, Triple H, Test, Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco

Years Active: 1998-1999

Throughout 1998 there was no feud hotter in professional wrestling than Austin vs. McMahon. Stone Cold Steve Austin was the modern blue-collar man and the fans strongly related to him. However, Austin was not the type of person Mr.McMahon wanted to be the face of his company, wearing his championship. McMahon could not stand that a foul-mouthed, beer drinking, finger gesturing guy was his champion.  McMahon had tried multiple times to mold Austin into the typical champion who he could promote to his corporate investors. Austin, though wasn’t for any of this and instead made McMahon’s life a living hell for most of 1998.

Knowing that he wouldn’t be able to fight Austin alone, McMahon began to bring superstars into the fold that were corporate-friendly. He invested in aligning himself with superstars that would rather make money than have the love of the fans. McMahon soon formed The Corporation, consisting of his son Shane, his bodyguard the Big Bossman, Ken Shamrock and Test. Despite aligning himself with talent McMahon was still missing a top star to help him dethrone Austin. This came into fruition at the 1998 Survivor Series when McMahon helped The Rock win the WWF championship dubbing him the corporate champion.

Along with The Rock being the WWF champion The Corporation was able to win every other championship in the company as well. The Big Bossman won the Hardcore Championship along with winning the Tag Team Championship with Ken Shamrock who also won the Intercontinental Championship, Shane McMahon was able to win the European Championship.

Besides winning Championships The Corporation was also able to fulfill their other main goal which was keeping the WWF championship from Stone Cold Steve Austin, for a short period. This changed, though at WrestleMania XV, when Austin defeated The Rock to win the WWF Championship. Shortly after WrestleMania, The Corporation soon began to dissolve. Their legacy has remained as being one of the most powerful factions of all time as well as being a major force during the Attitude Era. They showed you either conform to the corporate way, or you’re fired!

Next: Blood is Thicker than Water