Randy Orton vs. Sheamus
Result: Randy Orton defeats Sheamus via pinfall.
Rating: 2.8 out of 5 stars
Orton began with a headlock on Sheamus. He then hit two shoulder tackles as Sheamus fled the ring. Orton and Sheamus had a brief back and forth until the latter fled the ring. He grabbed the microphone and was about to say something until Orton hit him. He slammed him spine-first off the barricade and into the ring.
Orton then hit an uppercut and sent Sheamus flying from the ring again. Sheamus would make him pay with an Irish Curse back-breaker.
We come back to see Sheamus giving Orton a headlock. Orton began fighting back until Sheamus hit a rolling senton. He hit a few uppercuts until Orton fought back with uppercuts of his own.
Orton hit a nice powerslam and a t-bone suplex for a near-fall. Sheamus then hit a few punches to the chest and climbed to the top rope to hit a shoulder tackle for a near-fall.
Orton would hit another powerslam for a near-fall. He then ran into a slam from Sheamus, who locked in the Cloverleaf. Orton would get to the ropes to break out of it.
The two then climbed to the top rope. Orton would hit a big superplex for a near-fall. Orton then hit his trademark DDT and set up for an RKO. He attmpted it but Sheamus hit White Noise for a near-fall.
Sheamus then set up for the Brogue Kick, missed and got RKO’d by Orton for the win.
After the match The Wyatt Family came out and attacked Orton. Braun Strowman took him out in the ring.
Rob’s Note: Well well, this is interesting. Could this be a way of writing Orton off TV or has he become the third member for Reigns and Ambrose’s group?
Next: Dudley Boyz in Action