Dean Ambrose Stars in THE SHINING
Oh, such perfect psychosis we saw in this 1980 Stephen King novel-turned-film. Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) brings his fragile wife (Shelley Duvall) and special needs/ESP son Danny to a Colorado hotel where Jack’s job is to look after the hotel over the harsh winter. The only problem is that the hotel is haunted and slowly dements Jack into an axe-swinging, compulsive-writing psychopath. Throw in some creepy twin girls, bloody elevators and Room 237 and here is a movie that was made for Dean Ambrose to turn into his own asylum.
Even though WWE UK beat me to this concept with the above photo, let’s fully WWE this plot: Dean Ambrose takes his sweet wife Renee Young and undersized child Hornswoggle to this hotel. All is well at first until Ambrose slowly turns into the Lunatic Fringe. Meanwhile, Hornswoggle is tricycling around the hotel and runs into the creepy Bella Twins. “Come play with us!”
In the remake we can forget about the axe, because Ambrose seems like more of a baseball bat guy. And instead of driving snowcats, Ambrose is motorcycling circles around the property. With all not well at the Overlook Hotel, Hornswoggle uses his ESP to call Finlay back to the hotel. As Finlay wanders through the lobby, Ambrose surprises with his trusty bat and goes Steroid Era on his “arse.” And forget “Here’s Johnny!” Ambrose is busting through every hotel room door in his way screaming, “This is The Daily Show with Jon Stewart!”
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