WWE NXT Review: Results, Analysis, Grades; Bayley’s Homecoming

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Tyler Breeze/Adam Rose/Bull Dempsey segment

We get a recap of Ciampa and Gargano meeting Dempsey and Breeze last week followed by Breeze destroying Dempsey in the ring. Adam Rose comes out with a mic and says that the WWE Universe took a big poop on the Adam Rose party, and he says he’s going to return the favor on the NXT crowd. He says there is no more fun allowed.

Bull Dempsey makes his way out as well. Dempsey says what he’s going to do to Breeze right now is no accident. Breeze says the only accident he remembers from last week was the two of them being paired together, and calls Dempsey’s berth an accident too. Bull tells Rose to give over the match so he can whoop Breeze, and Rose says no and calls Dempsey tubby before slapping him. Dempsey takes out Rose and forces him from the ring.

Breeze attacks Dempsey and when Dempsey begins to fight back, Tyler ducks out of the ring to escape.

Evan’s Note: If you ever want to get a pop as an opponent of Breeze, just do his corner taunt and the crowd will go nuts. This match seems like a given for TakeOver now.

Adam Rose’s new character doesn’t do a lot for me, but I look forward to him having a more heelish gimmick to run with.

Corbin/Rhyno vs Gargano/Ciampa is announced for later tonight, plus Bayley’s emotional return in her first match later tonight.

Tyler Breeze is shown backstage taking a selfie and answering Dempsey’s challenge for a match and says he is on, so that match is official for next week.

Next: The Perfect 10 in Action