WWE NXT Review: Results, Analysis, Grades; Bayley’s Homecoming

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Apollo Crews vs. Solomon Crowe

Result: Apollo Crews defeats Solomon Crowe via pinfall (Apollo Combo).

Rating: 2.7 out of 5 stars

Crews and Crowe shake hands to start the match, but after some chain wrestling Crews goes for another hand shake. Crowe kicks his hand away and says that it’s his ring. Crews begins controlling the match, hitting a deadlift suplex to Crowe, picking him up from the mat. Crews goes for a baseball slide to Crowe on the outside, but Solomon puts the ring apron over Crews and lays into him with strikes.

Crowe now is fully in control, grounding Crews with a chokehold and clothesline. Crews gets momentum back after a corner boot. He hits a standing enziguri and a massive clothesline followed by the Apollo Combo of the gorilla press slam and a standing moonsault. He covers Crowe for the 3 count.

Evan’s Note: Crews has so much athleticism it’s actually kind of scary. Hopefully at the next TakeOver he can have a longer matchup that showcases his abilities better. Crowe seems to be a little lost in the shuffle, as he has been a tweener the last few weeks between face and heel. Let’s hope that he can find direction soon or he may go the way of CJ Parker and be doomed to staying in NXT for his whole WWE run.

Gargano/Ciampa Interview

The indy team are asked if they like their chances. Gargano says everyone was surprised except for the two of them since they paid their dues. Ciampa says what Rhyno and Corbin said was disrespectful and they will be the winners of the tournament.

Next: The Tag Team Classic Continues