WWE NXT Review: Results, Analysis, Grades; Bayley’s Homecoming

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Dana Brooke/Emma Interview

Emma says her and Dana are missing out on all the fin. Dana says her and Emma are going to be showing the newbies who is in charge (the two of them) and that play time is over. Dana taps Devin on the head and Emma says that never gets old.

Sasha Banks is shown pulling up to Full Sail. Cue YES chants.

Kyle Edwards breaks down the first round of the Tag Team Classic and shows the second round matchups. He announces that the final 4 teams will take place at TakeOver on Oct. 7th. 

The second round matchups are:

Hype Bros vs Gable and Jordan
Finn Balor and Samoa Joe vs Enzo & Cass
VaudeVillains vs Dash & Dawson
Rhyno & Corbin vs Gargano & Ciampa

Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa vs. Rhyno and Baron Corbin

Result: Baron Corbin and Rhyno defeats Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa via pinfall (End of Days).

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

Rhyno starts off against Ciampa and the two trade chops to begin the match. Ciampa catches Rhyno with a huge clothesline. Corbin comes charging into the ring but Gargano dumps him over the ropes before hitting him with a suicide dive. He then does the same to Rhyno. Ciampa hits a cross body knocking down both guys on the outside as well.

Gargano and Ciampa isolate Rhyno and hit him with a series of tag team moves. Rhyno manages to tag in Corbin who is rained on with boos. Ciampa manages to use quickness to avoid Corbin, but Baron catches him with a side slam as we go to break.

Back from break and Corbin is in control of Ciampa. Rhyno and Corbin knock Ciampa around and keep him grounded in the corner. Rhyno puts Ciampa on the top rope, but Tomasso fights out of it and hits Rhyno with a missile dropkick. Ciampa and Rhyno both hit hot tags and Gargano starts taking out Corbin. He hits Corbin with a roll through kick and a springboard DDT for a two count. Ciampa and Rhyno jump into the ring and brawl. Rhyno goes for the Gore but Gargano jumps over him. Gargano charges at Corbin but gets caught with an End of Days. Corbin pins Gargano for the 3 count to end the contest.

Evan’s Note: While I wish that Gargano and Ciampa could continue their run in NXT in the tournament, Corbin and Rhyno represent the best heel team left in it. I could see Corbin and Rhyno making their way to the finals on TakeOver and representing the final challenge for whoever is the face team in the finals.

Vaudevillains Interview

Devin asks the tag champs about their matchup against Dash and Dawson in the Tag Team Classic. They say they would be honored to win the whole thing, and doing it as champs would be even sweeter. Blake, Murphy and Alexa come by to say that next week those two are invoking their rematch clause for next week. Alexa says they’ll get the belts back since Blue Pants is back where she belongs on the clearance rack. Blake and Murphy try to say indubitably like the Vaudevillains, but instead just call the champs “idiots.” Great stuff.

Next: Bayley Returns to Full Sail