WWE NXT Review: Results, Analysis, Grades; Bayley’s Homecoming

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The Nia Jax promo airs again. There are lots of new blood in the NXT women’s division and it’s extremely exciting.

Non Title Match – Bayley vs. Sarah Dobson

Result: Bayley defeats Sarah Dobson via pinfall (Bayley to Belly).

Rating: 2.7 out of 5 stars

Bayley runs into the crowd to celebrate with them in her homecoming as NXT Women’s Champion. Bayley even brought Izzy into the ring with her own replica championship and doing Bayley’s wave with her and even bumping titles before the match.

When the match gets underway, Dobson uses some stiff shots to take the champ down. She hits a cart-wheel knee strike to Bayley for a two count. Dobson puts Bayley in a wrapped headlock to try and ground the champ. Bayley rams Dobson into the turnbuckle to get free and then uses axe handles to take down her opponent. She catches Dobson with the Bayley to Belly for a quick victory.

Evan’s Note: This match was just meant to reintroduce Bayley as the Women’s champion, but her opponent Dobson looked good as well. I hope Dobson finds continually work in NXT and will do well in NXT.

Bayley/Sasha Banks Post-Match

Bayley gets the mic and begins to address the NXT crowd when Sasha Banks comes out to the ring. Banks says she’s here to congratulate Bayley and how at TakeOver Brooklyn the two of them stole the show. Banks says people have told her it was the match of the year and gets emotional talking about the match.

Banks says that’s great for everyone but her. Bayley earned Sasha’s respect but Sasha says she is still better. Bayley says she’s tired of being belittled and she’ll accept the rematch right here right now. Banks says no because she wants to prove a point. Banks wants to beat Bayley over and over and over again until people know fairy tales don’t have a happy ending.

Regal’s music hits and the General Manager says he’s got a great opportunity here. Regal says the two will have a match at TakeOver. He says they will be the main event, and the match will be a 30 minute Iron Man match. Banks and Bayley shake hands to end NXT this week.

Next: Final Thoughts