WWE SmackDown Review: Results, Analysis and Grades for 9/17

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Big Show vs. Cesaro

Result: Big Show defeats Cesaro via pinfall (KO Punch).

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars

Cesaro starts with a series of drop kicks, but Big Show ends up driving Cesaro into the corner and hitting him with big chops. Cesaro catches Big Show’s arms on one of the chops and turns it into an armbar over the ropes. Cesaro starts working on the arm, but Big Show gets in control and drives Cesaro into the turnbuckle.

Big Show isolates the left knee of Cesaro and stomps on it to ground Cesaro. He makes a form of armbar on Cesaro’s leg, but Cesaro uses the ropes to pull Big Show into the ropes. Cesaro hits a bunch of uppercuts and a crossbody for a two count. Cesaro hits a diving uppercut to a kneeling Big Show, but still is only for a two count. Big Show goes for a chokeslam but Cesaro works out of it and continues to hit uppercuts. Cesaro spins out of another Chokeslam attempt, and when he goes for a Neutralizer is backdropped by Big Show. Show hits a KO Punch to Cesaro and gets the three count.

Evan’s Note: I have a lot of questions after this match. Does Big Show need this win? I don’t think he does since he isn’t in any real storyline and he doesn’t need a push. Also why the scene with Miz backstage? Is there going to be a slow burn? Very confusing booking on this segment which hopefully will be explained on RAW.

Reigns/Ambrose Interview

Renee Young interviews the former Shield members backstage. Renee asks the two of them to tell her who their mystery partner is. Reigns says he’d love to tell her but he can’t. Reigns says Dean had the right idea and made the call, and Dean says they’ve been outgunned and out-manned ever since Braun Strowman was released from his pen but they’ll even the odds at Night of Champions. Reigns says they’re focused on their match tonight and will go to Houston on Sunday ready for war.

Next: KO vs The Show-Off