WWE Night of Champions 2015 Review: Results, Analysis, Grades; Sting, Seth Rollins, Kane

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Dolph Ziggler vs. Rusev

Result: Dolph Ziggler defeats Rusev via pinfall.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

Rusev began with a kick but Ziggler quickly attempted a roll up for a near-fall. Ziggler would dropkick him out of the ring.

Rusev would come back in the ring and put a lock on Ziggler. The Showoff would hit a dropkick and sleeper hold before Rusev hit a spin kick for a near-fall. Dolph would then go to the apron but get elbowed off by Rusev.

Back in the ring, Rusev would take down Ziggler with a scoop slam. He then hit Ziggler with multiple right hands and a take down for a near-fall.

Ziggler would fight back by stomping on Rusev’s foot but it turned into him being slingshot into the turnbuckle.

Ziggler would respond with a scoop slam. He then hit a few clotheslines, a splash in the corner and a neckbreaker for a near-fall.

Dolph would get in some offense and go for the FameAsser but miss. He would plant Rusev for another near-fall. Ziggler climbed to the top rope but got knocked off and kicked in the face for a near-fall.

Rusev would go for a superkick but Ziggler put on the sleeper hold. He then hit a huge DDT for a near-fall. Ziggler would go for a superkick but got kicked by Rusev for a near-fall.

Rusev would go for the Accolade but Ziggler hit a superkick for another near-fall.

Rob’s Note: This was a very good match. However, it looks like this feud is not over yet. This should have been it for this terrible program.

Summer Rae then got up on the ring apron and fell into the ring but got thrown out by the ref. She then threw her shoe at Rusev and Ziggler hit Zig-Zag for the win.

Next: New Day vs. Dudley Boyz