WWE Night of Champions 2015 Review: Results, Analysis, Grades; Sting, Seth Rollins, Kane

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WWE Tag Team Championship Match
New Day (c) vs. Dudley Boyz

Result: The Dudley Boyz defeat New Day via DQ. However, New Day retains the WWE Tag Team Championship.

Rating: 2.8 out of 5 stars

D-Von and Kofi began this match. Kofi hit a dropkick that didn’t do much to move D-Von. Kofi would slap him in the head but get hit with an elbow. Bubba Ray would tag in and go for offense but Kingston ran out of the ring.

Big E would then tag in. He put a hold on Bubba Ray but got taken down. The Dudleys would trade tags and Bubba Ray went foe offense. However, he got elbowed. Big E went to the top rope but got chopped by Bubba and superplexed for a near-fall.

Bubba then hit a back body drop on Kofi. However, after a distraction from Xavier Woods, Kofi hit a dropkick. He would trade tag-stomps with Big E.

Big E would get a near-fall on Bubba and put on a hold. Bubba began to work back with punches before being elbowed down for a near-fall.

Kofi tagged in and began to throw punches. Bubba would respond with a Full-Nelson Bomb and tagged in D-Von. He hit multiple clotheslines and a shoulder tackle. He planted Kofi face-first and hit a headbutt.

Bubba and D-Von then hit 3D but Woods came in and broke up the pin for the DQ.

After the match, Woods would get put through a table.

Next: Nikki Bella vs. Charlotte