WWE RAW Preview: Post Night Of Champions Edition

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Courtesy of WWE.com

The Cena US Open Challenge

Maybe the only good thing that will come out of John Cena recapturing the United States Championship will be the US Title Open Challenges that made his first reign this year so fun. It gave the title meaning, made RAW worth watching and allowed up and coming superstars the opportunity to showcase their talents in front of the world.

It’s what brought us Kevin Owens to the main roster. Neville, Stardust and Sami Zayn are others that were able to make themselves known to the WWE Universe through this challenge. Well another Cena reign will allow for more opportunities. In his post match interview last night, Cena mentioned that the challenges will be coming back.

Who will be the first superstar to step up and attempt to dethrone Mr. Hustle Loyalty and Respect? What will happen with Seth Rollins, who is due a rematch for the US Title that he won at SummerSlam. With Kane back, Rollins may be too sidetracked to even think about a rematch. And having that rematch in the bag could allow the WWE to revisit the Rollins/Cena feud once again down the road.

Tonight we should see somebody emerged as a challenger for Cena’s belt, along with maybe his next PPV opponent. We shall see. In the meantime, let’s enjoy the Cena Open Challenges for what they are. Quality wrestling, and must see TV.

Next: Chris Jericho?